welcome to the
real man series

The Top 5 Pillars of Being a REAL & Authentic Man


This is a GREAT place to start! Discover the characteristics of becoming a REAL Man along with what it takes to be a leader. We are giving you this FREE download of THE TOP 5 PILLARS OF BEING A REAL MAN based on a poll that Coach Brix ran in his gym recently, asking both women and men their thoughts on what the top five would consist of.

We think you’ll enjoy this insight into a few pillars that will make some big changes in your life starting TODAY!

Join the movement. You’ll be glad you did!

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Our Programs

15 Day Transformation

This is a 15 day course with 7 videos and training from Coach Brix, founder of The REAL Man Series. You will learn about Respect, Empathy, Accountability & Leadership. How to use these in day-to-day situations and how to overall be a better man during these uncertain times.

Youth Leadership Program

Our new curriculum is designed to help young men in grades 7-12 deal with the ever changing world that wants us to become soft and silent. Important topics we will tackle: becoming leaders for your team and in your community, self-discipline & self-awareness, dedication, learning how to become respectful, humble, and understanding in everyday life.

Adult Men Leadership Program

This is an 8 week course with 10 videos and training from Coach Brix, founder of The REAL Man Series, with a meeting once a week either online or in person. There will be lectures, guest speakers, small breakouts, discussions, sharing, and work to do on your own.